So I honker down in the recliner last night, blanket on, Frango mint treat in mouth, remote in hand only to look upon my DVR recording to see that I will have to put up with the “judgment day” nonsense for 2 whole hours?!?! Really? Two hours of agonizing “it’s a tough call” play on words synopsis….So be it I guess…. I can’t complain too much again, in a recliner, blanket on, Frango in mouth, and remote in hand…..What better way to waste two productive hours of my life!
So whose house is this mansion anyway? I was sort of waiting for Simon’s stupid little puppies to come running toward him as if this were his house that he laughed all the way to the bank – but nope just some random loaded guy offering up his big ass house I guess….I am a bit offended why didn’t they call upon me to use my house? I got a brand new chocolate recliner that would put those red Kings thrones to shame and a yard full of watery mud puddles that I am sure everyone would have been happy standing in waiting for their turn…..I am just saying….. So yes they are switching up the format a bit – I secretly missed the stressed out elevator rides where people would be caught digging out their wedgies or fixing their hair – it was voyeurism at its best (opps…. except they knew darn well they were being taped!)
*****ALERT******** This will not happen often, but when it does I have to be fair…….I am going to stand proud and give Paula props last night- looking beyond the age inappropriate length of her hair she was understated and looked decent for once. A simple blue dress, simple hair, only a few costume jewelry pieces (we will get to the star ring in a moment….) I hope she is listening to me right now …….continue on with “less is more”!!*********ALERT**********
Okay so the sing offs……I wasn’t mad at them per say – but I just felt so bad for the guy/gal (yeah I just typed gal, I am 90) who won – it was so bittersweet and annoying I so wanted them to be like “YEAH IN YOUR FACE BRO…..I ROCKED THE HOUSE AND YOU GOIN’ HOME SUCKA……” when they won but nope just a lot of hugs and handshakes to appear humble --- speaking of hugs there were some randomly long homosexual based interludes last night……(not that there is anything wrong with it - I am just noting future couple alerts!)
Cody & Alex (horror film guy and chess club looking guy) it appeared that they almost became a little too close there was a lot of back rubbing and hand swiping as they would brush past each other – I guess what happens in Hollywood stays in Hollywood….on the same note…..
Jamal & Danny – what was with the ½ hour love song interlude when Jamal got the ax? I mean I know they are ty-ite as “brothers” but there is only so much hidden meaning in “I got your back” that I can take.
So apparently the “if you forget your words you are done” rule has fallen by the wayside…. Aka Joanna – she didn’t even sing in
Lil rounds…..ummm there is nothing little about this girl and why does American Idol decide to break down her celebration into XTRA slow mo…as she “bounces” up and down with excitement…..I am just saying this now – we will see pasties on those before this season is over…..
Scott (blind guy) – can someone please stop all the sight references….this time it was Kara….”we all want to SEE you in season 8” Leave the poor guy and his disability alone.
I truly enjoyed Paula giving Kristen (the ugly one in the sing off with the cute girl) fashion advice last night – know I know Paula stepped it up last night but Kristen plug your ears and RUN. RUN FAR AWAY……..
A friend made a nice observation that I would like to share with the rest of you all ………apparently she was too shy to “reply to all”
I also would like to point out that Simon is noticeably 'hornier' this season. Could it be because he is a single man now? I mean, I am kind of over the looks and comments that he gives the 'sluttier' girls. Just annoying - OLDER CREEPY GUY annoying.
I would have to concur with her and would like to say this is an open forum – please keep the commentary going for all of us to enjoy!
I felt like singing in my best beyonce rendition last night “all the single mommies… all the single mommies… uh oh oh uh uh oh” Are there an exorbant amount of single mothers on this season?
Norman Gentle – I can hear all the Tri-Delts slamming their beers and giving hi-fives to each other now – but again I believe it proves my point, the tears, the shakes the nerves, the normal clothes – this is something this little pledge wants and is trying to find the way to let his “brothers” know he is dropping out of rush week.
Tatiana – I honestly don’t know if I have the energy to comment – yes she had a better voice no doubt – but she is such a weird duck she reminds me of the foreign exchange student in your school that no one could relate to, they sounded funny, no social skills what so ever and then you find out at gym class that she doesn’t shave her pits and you and your friends think – where is this chick from???? Was that just in my school? Maybe. Oh and the jewelry gift from Paula was too much and if I have to listen to that cackle one more day I don’t know if I can continue.
The two “blue collar workers” okay yes we were pulling for them and their heart felt stories and yes we didn’t want them to see them go – but I have to rain on their parade and say perhaps the reason you are welding and not even sure what the other top 5 most dangerous job was, but if they did the math – they knew 36 were getting through and they were the last two contestants to go up hmmmmmmmm……WOW they picked 34 people so far and now I can’t believe that we have to have a sing off for one of us to go home… perhaps it is the accountant in me – but come on people focus up!
Munson out
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