Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, & Resavoir Dogs Totally screams singing competition?????

Okay really a Legend?? I might have to disagree……Webster defines it as the following.

Archaic. a story of the life of a saint, esp. one stressing the miraculous or unrecorded deeds.

Nowhere in their definition does it confirm the following about Quinton Tarentino….
Make three decent movies and you are now considered a legend.
A person who looks like Crispin Glover/George Mcfly….automatically becomes a legend.
Just because you were the kid in the back of the classroom picking your nose and eating your own boogers and then became known in Hollywood do you automatically become a legend?
Just because you are obsessed with these kids making it, and become obsessed with the show, don’t make you a legend, I surely am not.
Just because you have a few catchy tunes in a few of your movies doesn’t make you a legend.
When you are under the age of 50 you should never be considered a legend, have you really put in your time by your late 30’s?

Another highlight for me was the constant panning to Katie Couric. I think she finally realized the only way for her to remain on Prime Time TV and not have the people change the station is to show up at an AI taping……I am just saying leaving the Today show was the worst decision EVER.

I would like to take a moment to really give Ryan props – the impersonation of Randy Jackson last night was uncanny and SO CALLED for – I am so glad he made him and everyone else MORE aware of what a TOOL he sounds like. You did me proud Mr. Seacrest!

Okay let’s get ready to RUMMMMMBLLLLEEEE……. I will have to first apologize for probably some incoherent rambling that might happen, you see last night was date night for Hubbie and I and after getting home at 11:45 pm (if you don’t know me that is unheard of and I am flabbergasted that I hadn’t turned into fairy dust at that point!) at any rate a few glasses of wine and a big gulp of caffeine at the movies somehow I felt it necessary and was completely alert to watch AI until 1am last night – but now I feel like Crap-o and might sound like it below as well… that is my warning……

Ali-“son” – I like her but let’s not get cocky I mean I don’t think you are at the level to start wearing one (like a Michael Jackson) glove that is Lacy (like Madonna) I feel like you have a few oats to sew before you are able to pull that one off……I felt like she “over sang” and was “shouting” a lot last night – but the judges seemed to love it, so be it. Do you all think her hair is a wig – it is so thick and seems to have a life of its own?

Anoop- okay you had me at “everything I do”, you see I have sort of a soft spot for Bryan Adams, he sang our wedding song – I know this is where it is straight out embarrassing to admit to our 1998 nuptials as if we got married in 1985 and rocked it out to Summer of 69. But it was one of his slow acoustic versions of “heaven” and I still love it to this day – so suck it all you “Endless love’s” and “At Last” romantics – I went old school 80’s with Bryan Adams and not ashamed of it. However, I might be ashamed to admit that my mother n law wore a Gene Simmons mask at the reception – yep sounds like your regular white trash BBQ J at any rate I think he sounded AWESOME and was proud of him…..He is however getting a little nutso with his style choices – I feel like he is confused and misdirected…..I think he can’t decide so he just says eff it I will wear all of it, including, a striped tie, a plaid shirt, Varsity football blazer with a Natzi armband….. WTF?

Adam – Okay do you think he and Pete Wentz talk about what they are wearing on a daily basis? I feel like they are too junior high kids talking like caddy chicks “OMG what are you going to wear tomorrow?” “OMG really I am going to wear my hoodie and skinny jeans too!” “See you in homeroom and don’t forget your guy liner we will definitely need to reapply by study hall” it kinda bugs me….. So as soon as the laser light show simmered down – I tried to reflect on this high pitched wonder….yeah he is entertaining but is he straight up annoying as well?? I feel like can he just get through one song without the AYYYIIIEEEEE scream (sorry that doesn’t translate well on paper!) but I think you all know what I mean, but I started thinking of my youth (way back when) and those high pitch screams are everything I loved about music back then and the reason I loathe so much current R&B today……So Kudos Adam, I have got your back (well I will stand in line behind all those other boys who definitely HAVE it too!) and I will support your metal hair band influence if it means a return to the 80’s era that I crave…

Matt – Again Bryan Adams – I wasn’t as mad as all the judges – but he did sound a bit out of breath and out of tune…. I was more concerned with when he sang “have you ever really loved…..a woman” all I could hear was “have you ever really ever seen ……Don Juan Demarco??” Sounds like an academy award winner. I also enjoyed Simon making fun of Kara talking as if she was throwing up – I think it seriously killed Simon not to have input on each contestant last night. And I can’t tell you how much I love to watch him egg Paula on…….

Danny - Endless love……(okay so maybe more of you can relate your own wedding experiences to this – so be it – you are a more sophisticated gal than I!) But honestly I was waiting for the BIG revel to come out that this was his late wife and his wedding song……I was waiting for the tear drop to fall from his eye when the last string on the harp was plucked…..I was waiting for him to finally remove his wedding band and place it gently on the piano in a heart wrenching symbolic moment…..but nothing…… just a nicely performed song with elegance and class all while wearing a powder blue Miami vice blazer…..Congrats Danny.

Kris – Yummy. That’s all I have – what do you expect at 12:50 am – I thought I was practically having a wet dream until Lil came onto the scene.

Lil – sang the Rose a classic if you will I though she sounded good – but I think the judges are trying to sway her outta there just because she doesn’t have the pull the others do for ratings…..And it seems like everyone is pulling off the skinny jean….. why is it when I try them on in the dressing room I can’t stop from laughing hysterically at myself?

Bottom Three Matt/LiL/Kris – with Lil going home.

Munson out.

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