Thursday, May 14, 2009

Smiles all around......

"And I'm proud to be an American......." I am so glad I can count on you to make the right decision and you did last night - at least in my book! Danny had to go, the final with him and Adam was too OBVIOUS....I know they all ax like Adam is a shoe in.....but I think this little pumpkin is going to give him a run for his money - he surely bitched slapped Danny with a little reality last night!

So yes quite ridiculous, but it is 8:30pm the day after and this is literally the first time I have logged onto a PC today......ugh - I won't bore you with the ugly details but just get on wit bid-ness.......

Some highlights from last night....

1. KRIS KRIS KRIS - I was so fired up last night I caught myself doing an arm pump and mouthing "yeeesssss" all my my lonesome on the couch....It wasn't a proud moment, but needed to happen.
2. Did Paula forget that randomly she was on a show with 88 million viewers? Why did she feel so high and mighty to show up 3 minutes late.....Paula I am telling you take five extra minutes and wipe the coke dust off your nose a little earlier and get to you one hour job that takes place two days a week on time, for the love!
3. Alisha - when did she take the corn rows out and become such a beauty? looking good my sista!
4. Noah (the little boy from Africa) okay this guy was quite the jumping bean....the dancing cracked me up....I felt like he thought he was still in the village swatting flies away (uncalled for I know but really who dances like that) He was cute as poop and I tell you give him another month and he will be all pimped out with a gold grill and a mink coat....I am just saying his first performance in front of millions of people - what do you expect him to go back to loom basket weaves and carry fruit on his head.....Noah will say a big no way to that.....I'm in LA and I am staying!
5. Danny - were his parent's pissed? So he gets this whole home town parade and he just says thanks mom and dad for raising me but I think I will bring my pal Jamar in the convertible with me.....If that was my kid I would have thrown Jamar in the trunk and taken my rightful place on the back of that car with MY KID!
6. Kris - Okay you know my deep love for this perfect teethed individual....but I was secretly frightened last night does he have a Robert Patterson Twilight ear?? one seemed awful pointy and stuck to his head - I hope I just imagined it.
7. I loved how they panned 3 cm away from Kris' dad's if they were really catching an ah ha moment.....
8. Kris - did anyone notice there was not one male at the hometown concert for him......all ladies and all trying to get them some!
9. Adam - so he had a streaker - a little over the top - but secretly I think he would have been happier if the streaker was a guy......
10. Who are these grown men screaming as if John Lennon just walked out on stage asking for Adam to sign their shirts.....focus up grown ups and let the kids do the embarrassing stuff (I'm sure if was for his kid though - wink wink)
11. Jordan Sparks - when did she become a larger version of Toni Braxton - I thought she looked good! But not sure the poltergeist ending was necessary.
12. A friend brought this one to my attention - Why did Katy Perry sound worse than both Adam, Kris, & Danny combined - but is a millionaire from selling cds - she sounded bad last night and she should stick to kissing girls......or being "airbrushed" for radio! oh and thanks Katy for being so discrete on who your voting for!

Okay so as you all know couldn't be happier with the results and Look forward to next week!

Munson out.

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