Friday, March 5, 2010

White Bean Soup

Well let's just say the melting pot is no longer..... in one night they managed to kick off 3 african americans and one asian......I can expect Ryan Seacreast and Simon Cowell to recieve their phone call from Jesse Jackson any moment. I CANNOT believe that Tim Urban is getting by on his dough boy look irratating. Well I was 50/50 in my predictions, Didn't think Michelle needed to go just yet, but I am glad Didi stayed. Lacey should be thanking lucky red head stars....... Few things from last night....

Why did Crystal decide to wear her hospital gown? Did she get re-admitted? She looked like a bag lady last night.

Group song - did anyone think the girls were singing way too high? I did.

Danny Gokey - he was a little over the top promotional but I secretly miss his sad wife was something to grasp onto last season...all we have now is a "mystery illness" I also loved how he said he has moved forward, and right after that statement all he talked about was his late wife......I don't know just seemed like he was still using it for "sales" purposes!
That is it.

Munson out......

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