Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And this will make 9!

Okay what the EFF is going on?? I only recognized two peeps from last night – and for good reason, they were not that good! I mean really was this last group just a melting pot of leftovers? I feel like it was a sad and very uninteresting night – not good for a show that ratings are decreasing rapidly…… I am not sure the talent pool is very deep this season, I remember genuinely being sad for someone being voted off last season and seriously if they didn’t vote anyone in from last night I would be okay with it – screw it let’s just have 6 wild cards……it would make it more interesting! I found it very hard to focus on any of their songs since they were not WOW’ing me at all, so in true Munson out fashion I will continue to comment on their clothes, ridiculous family members, and awkward body movements….

A few items on the judges – does Simon after 8 years still not know how to pronounce Paula? It always comes out as “Pawler” and it bugs me…. And this is the second week in a row that I have pondered this one – Does Randy actually have lenses in his frames? I secretly think he is just wearing frames – take a looksey and lend me your thoughts….

Von Smith – So who do we have to blame here, Usher? Justin Timberlake? Kayne West? I am not sure who is inspiring the sneakers with the full blown business suit but make it go away! You can’t just wear a straight up business suit and throw on some velour addidas kicks and call it casual teen idol wear. Celebrities need to stop steering these impressionable teens to their ridiculous trends. Like I said totally bored with the performance, he is a cute guy but again not “blowing me out da box” I truly hope Von could advance just for the small chance he could make it and use some of that cash for some much needed dental work for his girlfriend/sister. YIKES!

Taylor – What a cute girl, but really that is about it I spent the whole performance wondering where her leather boots ended and her pleather pants started – I couldn’t focus on the song it wasn’t pulling me in – instead I was looking at the large assortment of string friendship bracelets she was wearing and reminiscing on how gross and disgusting mine were back in the day – why did we think it was okay to wear them 24/7 and think a dip in the swimming pool or a quick shower made it okay not to take off - like they were instantly clean and didn’t harvest pieces of dried up sun burnt skin from spring break?

Alex – I enjoy that he put him self out there as the big dork, I enjoyed his sarcasm and his dry humor – I was all on board to take this little chicken under my wing and promote Alex to advance, but then it all fell apart…….The dream ended when this little chicken little opened his mouth and tried to sing… did he get to Hollywood? It sounded like he was in a constant cough/clearing phlegm cycle – ugh the growling like a poor little lost cub looking for his mutha in the jungle….It was horrific!

Arianna – So they thought she sucked, I didn’t mind it so much she sang the ABBA song and all I could think of was Meryl Steep staring off at Pierce Brosnon on the side of a cliff in Mamma Mia and thought how I would have much preferred to listen to Arianna sing this any day than have to re-live Pierce Brosnon singing EVER again. But I am a sucker for a musical! And I will have to agree she is cute as a button!

Ju’Not – So I think he sounded really good – a breath of fresh air if you will following the four previous acts….but then why, why oh why do I have to pan down and say “oh no JU did ‘NOT” just have a handcuff hanging from your belt loop. Why do we always have to “represent” “prove our bad assness” I mean you are up there singing Dehlila for Pete’s sake. Voice good but I will have to decline based upon the above premise.

Kristin – So glad the purple hair is gone – I feel like this girl is off in never never land half the time – she has a great voice and an extraordinarily large mouth that she wasn’t’ afraid to work the microphone over last night – I was like simma down now……..this is a family show…. Not a fan of the good ship lollipop dress and bless her heart for admitting she has no style sense, I too was the one with the large bow in my hair and on my ass…..unfortunate but true!

Nathanial – oh boy. This guy is like Richard Simmons on crack (if that is even possible) and of course he did…..pick a meatloaf song to sing, it’s all so predictable. The head band the flailing arms, the grapevine aerobics move (thx Stacy), we get it. Truly he does have a good voice but it is camouflaged by all the incessant stereotypes – I mean we might as well bring in the Rainbow backdrop and start marching. I started hearing my own words as he sang…. I would do anything for love (I mean anything just name it)…..but I won’t do that (well I probably would, try me…..) I would do anything for love (oh you dropped the soap let me get it) but I won’t do that (don’t even think about asking me to take off my headband.)…….
I couldn’t decipher the Brush script font tattoo over his larynx – did anyone catch it?
I also loved that Ryan tried to make Simon wear the shimmery headband and then Simon just waves him matriarchal finger at him like – son you want to keep your cushy job? Then you best leave me alone.

Felicia – Looks like this cat is on her ninth life. This is the wildcard since they found out that other chick had a recording contract already. I enjoyed her bowl cut hair and contemplated cutting bangs her entire song, her husband could stand to have a bowl cut himself – again good but not blown away.

Scott – Did anyone hold their breath as soon as he got up from that stool? I couldn’t take my eyes off the distance between the toes of his shoes and the edge of the stage. It was nerve wracking for me – I can’t imagine what it was like for him. He was good – but he isn’t THAT great. It was Simon last night with the vision references “I didn’t see that in the beginning” “in a sea of forgettable people” but I liked that he called out Ryan for finally giving him a high five now that he was a stationary target – bless his blind little heart!

Kendall – What is with the dad and the alligator dance?? Those country folks really know how to turn that mutha out……she is good – I can see her looking at Carrie Underwood and going “uh that could be me” I am not sure I would take the “great dress” compliment from one Paula Abdul to heart – I would most likely be terrified – and did you see the stage mom’s Austin Powers jacket? Age inappropriate! I would put her in as a wildcard.

Jorge – Don’t let the “Jun” go down on me…he was good but the awkwardness of how he jetted his neck out in order to get the pronunciation out stressed me out a bit. As well it stressed this poor Puerto Rican out – he was like a manic robot at the end – spouting off phrases in Spanish at an alarming rate – hopefully he can calm the F down cuz he was good.

Lil rounds – come on I want some background checks done – is that really her name? She did really well and reminded me of Fantasia. I always thought the little rounds was funny to reference to her chest, but when the camera panned around to the backside and I caught a glimpse of that ghetto booty – BAM – holly cow how does she manage to carry that thing around with her? It’s as if it is a separate entity – Lil my ass……

Okay so my picks for this round would be
Lil Rounds

Munson out…….

1 comment:

  1. Felicia also inspired me to wish for bangs and that hairdo someday....minus the teeny bit of mullet she was kicking.
