Friday, March 27, 2009

Back to the Oil Rig......

Okay I will have to apologize as I will not be able to do this in chronological order today there is just no way I can wait - so we must immediately fast forward and address this pronto......

Did Stevie really give a shout out in the middle of his medley "I LOVE YOU BARACK OBAMA" ? Well I can answer that, yup he sure did and you couldn't have missed it and I will be mad if you did, whatever I was eating or drinking at that moment went flying in a misted spray as soon as I heard it - I don't know if my gag reflux was due to laughing or embarrassment or just plain dumbfoundedness...... Now I get it, it is a very exciting time for his community as well as everyone else's, history has been made. Where I have a problem with this is this .........

#1. Does he really think the President of the United States of America is just sitting home watching AI and listening? And if he is WTF!
#2. I envisioned the President of the United States sitting at home all snuggled on the couch with Michelle, Malia, & Sasha (as only a perfectly rounded "normal" family would do) doing a chest/fist pump and mouthing "right back at ya Stevie" (because they are just a normal family that has a swing set.....) and then it angered me that this is what he is spending his time doing.
#3. So Stevie how dare you make our President be burdened with this show and your love letters to him while our country is in such a financial turmoil, the man is busy and cannot continue to cancel his cabinet meetings to make time for AI and your "shout outs" let the man get back to his "Hail Mary" and hopefully getting this country back on track.
#4. Lastly, this advice should usually always apply if you are a is not who of you to give love shout outs to other males while on national TV, president or not.

Okay then......thank you America for listening, as much as I think Michael is an all right guy he had no business being here at this stage of the game..... So I wasn't that distraught with the decision. However, I was extremely surprised that Megan coasted through unscathed. Shows you I am not the only one that enjoys watching her and having an occasional Callie/Grey's Anatomy moment. Also surprising last night was Matt, now being from his home state I would like to make a call to ARMS to all Michiganders to step it up and vote for this man, butterscotch chip or not he deserves to stick around a bit longer. Scott bottom three - yes I agree, but truly were they really going to send him home the night Stevie Wonder is performing, I am not much of the warm fuzzy gal, but that would just be cruel.

Rubie the Cubie.......ahhh it's been a LONG ass time, my wad of sweat. Do you think Clive Davis and Simon Cowell had a total show down where Clive was like "You will have him on the show and we WILL revive his sad sad career since winning the show, I don't care if no one remembers who he is" Dude this guy should have never won and all I could do was picture poor little Clay Aiken in his Sir Lancelot outfit from his Broadway show sitting on the couch watching Rubie, stroking his newborns head he had with his 60 year old manager, snuggling with his gay lover, crying hysterically and shouting "It should have been me!" (paints quite the picture don't it!) Ruben - he isn't bad but the sweating.....I can't take how it just pours down as if he was standing under Niagra you think he is related to Whitney Houston, another sweaty mo fo mess. All I am saying is that if you break out in a full on sweat from lifting the microphone from your hip to your mouth you might want to consider introducing your body to a little Jane Fonda video.......

Joss Stone and Smokey - Now I know I am not one with my inner "soul" and don't necessarily feel the groove often, but why did Joss look like she was convulsing in pain or on the verge of an orgasm for the entire song? I was afraid she just might hop up "on top of ol' smokey" (all covered with cheese) and go to town on him, and Smokey was singing so frailly that I thought he might break all together if Joss' hair accidentally whipped him in the abdomen.

Then I was quite confused because if it weren't for the braids I would have thought they sent Rubie back onto the stage, but low and behold it was one supersized Stevie Wonder! YIKES! He is always entertaining and his songs are timeless, a true pro. I was surprised that they didn't pan to Scott often during his performance - I felt like the producers and editors really missed an "ah ha" moment there...... Lastly I will not single out Kara for being the only one that was COMPLETELY over dramatically dancing to Stevie's medley, yep that is right Danny and Anoop I would like to call you out too, It is Stevie Wonder not Metallica and he is singing "Superstitious" not "Enter Sandman" I am just saying.......

Until next week folks.....

Munson out!

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