Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Okay I am going to just go ahead and say it. I miss Paula and her ridiculous antics…..Now don’t get me wrong I spent all last season wishing and hoping for her departure so I wouldn’t have to put up with her seal clap or her indecent amount of flair she would wear, but I am a little bored with the subdued demeanor of the judges…..I mean I don’t expect Ellen to come on the show high as a kite and sleep with most of the contestants, but she is a bit boring compared with Paula, at least it gave us something to talk about……I am just saying. Also does Ryan still need to introduce himself at this point? “Welcome to the show….I’m Ryan Seacrest” I mean seriously we all know who you are. Can you be considered a name dropper if your dropping your own name?

Casey – sang yesterdays gone. I thought he sounded good but seriously close your eyes and listen to him it is like an exact replica of Huey Lewis not yet sure if that is a good thing or not…..I am sure I am not the first to say it because he choose to sing it himself earlier in the competition, at least he is leaving the neon glasses at home.

Lee – thought he sounded good last night, however there was a lot of spittle strands happening inside his mouth last night that left me thirsty for some aqua… was the epitome of cotton mouth. Yuk. He sang “the boxer” and did a lot of la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la’s and I was secretly thinking for all those young folks watching the show who have never heard of Simon and Garfunkel were they thinking “umm did he forget the words?”

Tim – OMG how is he still on that stage? Terrible – I can’t continue this rant for the safety of my own health.

Aaron – “I believe I can fly” I thought he sounded good, but the fact that he admitted that he sang it at his preschool graduation left me in a grumpy old lady mood….why you got to say that doogie?

Siobhan – not that we shouldn’t expect it by now but her dress was a little a la Lady Gaga last night – but secretly I thought she looked really good in it. I mean I am not against a few insects being attached to some clothing….I thought she sounded annoying last night with an annoying song,…….and what is most annoying to me at this point is the large amount of interview time she always gets at the end of her song to explain her song choice…It’s almost as if AI gives her the time in order for her to get some sympathy to keep her on because she is the most controversial thing they have going this season! Has anyone else noticed this favoritism?

Big Mike – First did he really have to pick up Alicia Keys when he met her, can’t the big dude just lean over and give some one a hug instead of introducing himself as the jolly green giant every time. I couldn’t really focus on much after I saw his pit stain that was seriously the size of Lake Michigan. I thought how can one piece of fabric absorb that much moisture? All I am saying is every deodorant manufacturer better be making a call to get your new sponsor!

Crystal – I felt like she was playing dress up in Kara’s closet last night, but at the same time I appreciated her packing up her hemp inspired clothing and stepping out on the runway last night. I think her little emotional breakdown last night was because she finally realized that holy crapper I could really win this thing and I seriously almost quit last week. Thank you, Ryan for stepping in and giving our little Mommasox a pep talk.

Please for the love – Tim going home.

Munson out…..

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