Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well okay here we go…..

Aaron – This little “Yoda” needs to just say “going I am home” I mean yes he is likeable, cute, young, but holy crapper is he BORING. I tried really hard to like him despite sounding “decent” he is just a total log on that stage and completely puts me to sleep! I agree with “E” yes it seemed like a LONG and WINDING song that would never end! Also I was wondering why he was wearing a blue chef’s jacket couples with a plaid Abercrombie shirt. Odd choice.

Katie – She sang Let It Be and we all should admit it, it is the best she has sounded. But I have to draw the line at the black nylons paired with the neon pink dress – it gave me shivers of 1982 when I tried to do the same. There was also a lot of flair kicking last night, a bit too much if you ask me…..big hoop earrings, lots of necklaces, belts, hip chains, medallions. Too much – but I think the interviews helped her too because she seems like the most down to earth funny normal one!

Andrew – Again with the stage behind the judges, didn’t “E” and Ryan give the show enough flack for that last time Big Mike tried it? Hmmmm weird. He was ayite….nothing fabulous. I do love how the judges are constantly promoting be young, hip, current and kudos Andrew – nothing says young and current like a business suit with a canary yellow golf shirt buttoned to the top, I get the nerd thing is coming back a bit and “different is cool” but seriously I looked at him and would have bet $100 bucks that someone tied his shoe laces together and he was going to go splat right onto his large frames and puffy hair via the nerd Halloween costume circuit.

Big Mike – I like the “heeyaaawwwhhhh” I have tried to incorporate into my daily life and I have to tell you its kinda fun! He was good last night, he is good every week. He is my steady Eddy. One thing I am wondering – do you ever think he gets sick of picking people up? I mean the expectations have to be hard for him every time he sees someone tiny (aka Aaron or Ryan) Somewhere in that big head of his I bet he is just wishing he could shake someone’s hand for once.

Crystal – Here is our other steady Eddy – she was great last night, she is great every night. I enjoy her humbleness and appreciate her respect for what everyone has to say about her, whether she likes it or not. The didgeridoo was great – I enjoyed that they practically needed a 911 shout out for the man blowing into it. Well done.

Tim – Okay I am not going to lie I just did 3 deep breathing exercises before typing this….You all know how I feel about this tool, but I have to agree with the YO DAWG – it was good for TIM. I loved how Randy put him in a separate category like “for the people who really suck and shouldn’t even be there you were ayite” Well put dawg. Well he had the mop top kicking for the Beatles but that is about it – and the smile holy **** the smile it literally is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me…… It reminds me of the Tom Cruise “over laugh” – it’s too forced and trying too hard! I would like to pack up his **** eating grin including the random snaggletooth on cuspid #6 and send him away!!

Casey – aka goldilocks….he sounded good last night – He reminds me of the lead singer in Nikelback no?

Siobhan – Holy desperately seeking Susan meets Stevie Nicks…… I guess at this point it would be weird if she just showed up normal…….I didn’t like the song nor her version of it……..I also didn’t enjoy the Sharon Stone glimpse I kept catching as no one has apparently taught this little librarian how to sit in a skirt especially while propped on a stool. I am however intrigued on the “doing this for my little sisters” sob story – I can’t recall what is the deal with the sisters? I might have to do some research…..if you can lend any help around this email me!

Lee – Who would have thunk it – the love affair between him and Andrew……semi sweet …..Semi borderline……semi weird. I think he sounded great and got some blood pumping compared to A LOT of slow songs last night……I enjoyed the bag pipe guy including his huge fluffy hat.

Going home – I have to do just out of Principal Tim, but secretly I think Katie or Aaron will go home…….

Munson out……

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