Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Come and ride the Twain.....

As if Ellen didn't already try to over do that joke......but I couldn't help myself. Okay If I remember correctly I have already professed my love for Ms. Twain back when she was a guest judge in auditions. The woman is remarkable for a 45 year old woman she is aging along side the Demi Moore phenomenon and I agree with Crystal it is as if she has a golden glow to her....and then it makes me mad that 9 years her junior I sit typing on my laptop with toothpaste caked on my PMS "under grounder" zit and shoulder length hair that will refuse to grow....what is this woman's secret.....seriously she needs to get on the motivational speech tour circuit or at least a skin care line on QVC ....something sister we want in!

Kara's neck wear....you know what I was all set to rip her a new one with her random geological masterpiece wrapped around her neck, but as the show progressed I actually really enjoyed the mass of gemstones and purified rock that complimented her muted stylish shirt - I feel like she fired her stylist from last year, they probably they just lent her Paula's and that is why she had so many "incidents" last year, but with Paula's departure there is a new bobby trendy in town and I am not mad at their choices.

Lee - Sang "Still the one" - Now Shaina said start with just lyrics and piano, but he couldn't do it his fingers were mimicking playing but he really wasn't actually strumming. It was like telling someone to hold an ice cream cone but don't take a lick. Thought he sounded good it's more the type of voice I prefer, but I think he is finally finding a comfort zone, which is nice.

Big Mike - I think I am starting to realize that I just like this guy because he is cute, cuddly, & likable, not necessarily because he is an awesome singer. Don't get me wrong he has a great voice just not the voice I want to hear song after song or go purchase an entire R&B album of theatrical ballads, it's nice to listen to for a while but would I grab it for a long road trip in the car....nope. So I think I am fading away from the big guy.......I know not a popular choice but I am just trying to keep it real.

Casey - They liked you last night. I didn't. It was shaky and just okay for me. I was more focused on who had more spiral curls in their hair last night Shaina or Casey? Now come on Casey, there is no way that air drys like that there has to be a lot of hot curling iron rods assisting the flow.....there is just no way......I think he is easily forgettable and I am sure there is a Nickelback cover band waiting for his departure.

Crystal - I enjoy that she called out her baby daddy to "man up" Well at least I think it is the father? I mean at least I hope he is for fairy tale sakes. I agree with the judges It was fine but yeah a bit boring, the song didn't have umph....and I will have to disagree bigger is better when you are trying to WOW millions of swaying votes. Still a top runner not going anywhere - but I can guarantee they will put her in the bottom three tomorrow night for oohhs and ahhhs and then send her to safety....I can just see the editing department working on it now....

Aaron - they actually introduced him and I honestly forgot he was still in the competition, which is terrible because he really does have a great voice and sings for the most part flawlessly but man I just can't sink my teeth into it, there is no excitement or passion for him, I honestly don't care if he does well or not....why is he not likable for me? He is young, cute, humble, and shy? I don't know I don't even understand my choice not to like him but I don't.....

Siobhan - okay seriously I know she is the quirky loose cannon everyone can't wait for but how many times can she close the show.....it seriously seems like crystal or Siobhan are the last to perform more often than not. They did this with Adam too....go out on a high note, keep people watching - not sure but the pecking order doesn't seem to be even. I mean she gets Lasers, Casey gets a stool to sit on......They want her in this for as long as they can make her stay, because she draws intrigue......just like Adam did, but for different reasons of course. She is definitely a performer which I appreciate and I thought she sounded good last night but are people going to but up with this favoritism? I think they will. I think we will all continue to be puppets and listen to how the judges want to sway our votes each week. That is just how it goes.

I think Casey or Big Mike might go home.

Munson out.

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