Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hollywood week two.....

Okay so last week I didn’t have the energy to comment on the group performances – they are the MOST annoying part of the entire season for me. Seriously every season …..There has been no learning curve in 8 f’in years to alleviate the drama that ensues when working with others. I don’t get it they can’t just put their differences aside for 48 hours while they try to harmonize with two other people? ABSURD. These people will stop at nothing I mean is it really necessary to argue and wave your sha-nay-nay finger in someone’s face debating about whether to use jazz hands or du-oop arms….I am so sure – pull it together people and just sing…..

That’s all I have to say about group night….don’t like it one bit.

Okay so onto solo performances from last night – thank god!

First, did I not get the memo?? Is 1989 coming back around and I was not told??? At first, I was flabbergasted at the following items that lead me to believe ……

  1. Not one BUT TWO neon skinny ties
  2. A neon lime green cardigan
  3. Paula’s one piece forest green jumpsuit
  4. Headbands and wristbands
  5. Randy’s chains that were actually sewn on his t-shirt at his shoulders – I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some shoulder pads up in thar…….

But then it got me reminiscing about my ultra cool NEON spring break t-shirts, my collared shirts that I would no doubt flip up, my double layered coordinating socks and thought I can do this, I can jump on board with these silly trends I am a seasoned veteran. However, I will draw the line if these women start showing up with spiral perms and rat nested bangs – I just made a promise to myself, my husband, and my kids that I can’t turn my back on at this juncture of my life.

As long as we are on the subject of fashion choices lets discuss a few alarming items from last night. (For some reason I am enjoying an outline format today….)

  1. Did anyone notice that Ryan’s chest is smother and barer than a newborns ass? I did and it is rather prepubescent…..don’t get me wrong I am not all for the full on sweater look but a little less groomed would be appreciated.
  2. Kara – two words – underwire bra.
  3. Paula – we already made mention of the unitard but what was with the kaleidoscope of mirrors dangling from her neck – is that just for ease when she wants to snort some coke at any moment of the day so the mirror would be readily available? Weird and bizarre.

They are defiantly marketing towards their favorites in the editing department – I don’t think Danny Gookley has missed a frame in any episode…..I can definitely see him as a front runner….along with some others…

  1. Anoop – he sang my prerogative – I am just saying with Slumdog Millionaire and everything else I really think it is India’s year – I am just saying.
  2. The blind guy – and did anyone catch him commenting on the standing O that Paula gave him he goes “I didn’t see that” BLESS HIS HEART…….
  3. Norman Gentle – ah I have to tell you I LOVE HIM…..he made me laugh out loud last night and I am inspired by his dedication to this character and his absurd choreography. I don’t know what I love more his matching head bands and wrist bands (I mean is he really perspiring all that much?) his 70’s frames, or his camel balls that he so did not care that were on camera while rolling around the floor like Madonna in Like a virgin in his khaki shorts……LOVE HIM.

The last beef I have is the TERRIBLE acting by one Paula Abdul…….while “breaking” the news to the different pods of people. The shy shoulder shrugs the distant eye contact, the defeated hands in pocket, the whole “you still have the dream to chase speech” all to say they made it…..she needs some serious work. And Chris made a good point last night AI is one of the biggest shows on TV right now – where in the F does Simon have to Jet off to with only 10 minutes left in the show….I am so sure…EGO TRIP.

And last but not least Tatiana has now officially replaced Bikini girl and I would like to run her over with my car if the opportunity presented itself… annoying!

Munson out.

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