Thursday, March 18, 2010


If you haven't realized -I am off on vacation and enjoying every minute of the family time and sunshine!! If it makes you feel any better when AI was airing this week Chris and I were parked at some CHEESY karaoke bar watching seriously the most pathetic contestants imaginable, so instead of sitting in front of the tube we took on the role of Randy, Simon, Ellen & Kara and picked apart every aspect of these fools at this Karaoke bar while throwing a few back - it was fun I even hollar'ed a YO......WHAAAA at some 50 year old woman with gray hair down to her butt singing dido.....It was fun to take on the role of judge and critique these folks......cuz they DID NOT bring it.....
So I did catch up on the vote off....the other morning.....ridiculously mad at Tim Urban and almost considering throwing in the towel on this season......
Other than that - I will return next week with a sunburn and some vicious attitude against some folks that are still on that show!!

In other news - the Mystery illness has been resarched by a fellow AI addict....and it apparently relates to diabites.... Thanks for the research friend!!

Until next week
Munson out....

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